susie says

Great news!

Nemo’s long-lost brother Busbee’s mom is working on an article about FIV+ cat for a shelter newsletter. She asked if I couldLooking up help collect information and website links about FIV. As usual, I first went to my most-trusted book Veterinarians Guide to Natural Remedies for Cats. I remember reading about this but it’s been so long that I totally forgot about it. Apparently it IS possible to turn FIV+ into FIV-! The book suggests that some homeopaths have been successfully turn positive to negative in as little as nine weeks and as long as three years! The methods they use vary widely but they all agree on the importance of vitamin-C. Hormone imbalance is also a big problem with FIV+ cats. It generates wild immune responses. The white blood cells chase down and kill the viruses, then stampede out of control and kill the cat. This explains why Nemo had HUGE response to the vaccine when we first adopted him and it nearly killed him!

The book recommends treatment using a type of supplement called Mega-C Plus. We’ve decided to take Nemo to a reputable homeopath in the area some time in January. Before that, we will start giving Nemo regular vitamin C. After seeing many FIV+ cats at Katie’s Place, I’m more certain than ever that Nemo is at a very early stage of FIV and he is completely healthy at the moment. I believe that our chance of turning FIV+ to FIV- is very high!

daily notes

Breakfast: Non-medicated 60g raw rabbit with bones for dogs, 1tsb vegetable puree, 8g supplement mix* plus 6 drops DMG, Vitamin-E (1/3 capsule), Taurine, Flax Seed oil (1 capsule).
Morning play: 10 minutes. Ribbon and leather mouse on a fishing rod. Home-made tunnel.
Dinner: Non-medicated 60g raw rabbit with bones for dogs, 1tsb vegetable puree, 8g supplement mix, 6 drops DMG.
Evening play : 15 minutes. Ribbon and leather mouse on a fishing rod. Home-made tunnel.
Supplements: Morning– Feline Immune System Support
Bed-time play: None

*Supplement mix contains the following: organic raw egg yolks, salmon oil, kelp, dulse, vitamin B complex, 400IU vitamin E, Psyllium husk powder, and spring water. Nemo often has problem with minor constipation so we add extra psyllium husk powder and water.

nemo says, susie says

Happy Birthday/Anniversary!!!!

nemo says

My sponsored brothers–Gordie and Porter

2 days ago Susie told me to pick a “sponsored brother” from a whole list of FIV+ kitties.Gordie photo Like I know what “sponsored brother” means! All I know was that she showed me lots of photos and told me the story of each cat. The story of these kitties are all too familiar to me because I used to be one of them! I picked Gordie because: 1. He’s also a cool looking tabby. 2. I heard that the whole time Susie was there he stared at her! Susie said before she met Gordie, the volunteers told her Gordie was one of the most affectionate kitties there. But this Gordie dude, he wouldn’t even say hi to Susie no matter how she sweet-talked him! I said to myself: “Tabby with an attitude! This dude is cool to the bones!” So now I’m the official sponsor of this cool dude Gordie.

Susie and Mike are sponsoring Porter because they said he was just a big “suckup”.Poter photo He came to Susie for petting and wouldn’t let her go! Apparently he’s also a funny character. He likes to play in the water bowl and makes this funny sound when being scratched on his butt. Susie said she didn’t remember exactly what sound he made but she thought it was “eeea eeea eeea!” or something. Funny dude he is!

If you live in the Greater Vancouver area, please check out these wonderful FIV+ kitties at Katie’s Place. If you live far, far way, please support your local shelters. Believe it or not, there are many many cool cats like me out there who could use a helping hand.

susie says

Mike and I have been trying to figure out what to give to NemoGordie certificate as his first birthday/anniversary gift. We think we got it. If Nemo could communicate in words I’m sure he’d say that this was the best gift he could ask for–we sponsored two FIV+ kitties from a shelter called Katie’s Place. We visited Katie’s Place about a month ago and met many wonderful FIV+ kitties. These kitties, though happy, healthy, and affectionate, are probably going to be at the shelter for the rest of their lives. They need the financial support more than any otherPorter Certificate shelter cat because of their condition. We thought about sponsoring for a while but I finally e-mailed Katie’s Place 3 days ago. They were nice enough to speed up the process so we could have the sponsorship certificates before Nemo’s birthday/anniversary. (Click on the certificate to view in pdf format.)

nemo says

Canadian Rockies Day 5 – Walk in the woods

SquirrelI think I was starting to get the hang of this “new place” thing. Today we landed at a wooded place very similar to the spot yesterday. Similar, but not the same. This place had animals running around! The moment they took me out of the monster I saw this squirrel. It was quite a good looking thing with a good amount of meat on it. Too bad I wasn’t hungry. I figured that he had the advantage of knowing all the terrains there. It would be stupid of me to chase after him and get myself lost. So I let him go. I still think it was a smart move. I took Susie and Mike for a walk in the woods. I walked by some luscious looking grass on the way, stopped by to chew on one or two to supply myself with some much-needed fiber. I can actually say that it was a fun evening. So much fun that I wanted to go out again later at night but Susie wouldn’t let me. It was a decent day today. I hope I get to go out-and-about again tomorrow.

susie says

I got up early to feed Nemo again. He seemed to be the happiest and calmest early in the morning. I fed him raw chicken mixed with some Fancy Feast beef. We bought 2 more cans of Fancy Feast yesterday at a local supermarket.

Sitting on Mike's bedOur plan was to go to Banff National Park today. It’s only about 1-2 hour drive so we weren’t too worried about Nemo. We just put him up to the area above the driver and Nemo knew right away to go to the corner. I built a wall in front of him using pillows and blankets. With the ceiling directly above his head, I hoped this setup would make him feel more secure. It was really stupid of us not to bring his crate. I believe he would’ve been so much better if he had a safe place for himself. I noticed that his breathing was back to normal even when the RV was moving. He was just sleeping peacefully.

I took Nemo out of the RV as soon as we settled down in Banff National Park. He was much better than yesterday. He started exploring in the wooded campsite, stopping from time to time to look up to the sky or chew on grasses. A squirrel ran down from the tree not 5 feet away from Nemo. We were afraid that he’d go chasing it but surprisingly he couldn’t care less. It was a good 10 minute walk in the woods. Nemo behaved quite well. After the walk he sat on the picnic bench with us for a while.

daily notes

Breakfast: 40g Natural Instinct raw chicken, 10g Fancy Feast Beef.
Morning play: None
Dinner: 50g Fancy Feast Beef
Evening play : None
Evening supplement: Feline Immune System Support
Bed-time play: None