Archive for the 'susie says' Category

23 Jun

Is Nemo Spoiled?

He has 4 beds with fantastic views we only have one. He eats human grade organic, grass-fed meats and wild sockeye salmon we eat generic brand hot dogs and MacDonald’s 2-can-dine meals. His room is 500sqft ours is, oh, 200? He has a deluxe combo of tent+tunnels+house and an outdoor (enclosed) vacation home which we’re […]

27 Apr

Makeover to My Life As Nemo

We’re giving a makeover to the website. All the contents and structure will remain the same but we’re changing the design. I don’t necessarily like this design better than the one before but I think it’s more organized and easier to find the way around. At the moment we’re still fixing the “About Nemo” and […]

27 Feb

We noticed that Nemo seemed to have an itch in his right ear again after he came home. He scratched it a few times tonight and his right ear appeared folded down a little, too, just like last time he came back from the first visit to Dr. Peter Dobias. Last time we thought it […]

07 Jan

Great news!

Nemo’s long-lost brother Busbee’s mom is working on an article about FIV+ cat for a shelter newsletter. She asked if I could help collect information and website links about FIV. As usual, I first went to my most-trusted book Veterinarians Guide to Natural Remedies for Cats. I remember reading about this but it’s been so […]

04 Dec

Happy Birthday/Anniversary!!!!

03 Dec

Mike and I have been trying to figure out what to give to Nemo as his first birthday/anniversary gift. We think we got it. If Nemo could communicate in words I’m sure he’d say that this was the best gift he could ask for–we sponsored two FIV+ kitties from a shelter called Katie’s Place. We […]

01 Aug

I got up early to feed Nemo again. He seemed to be the happiest and calmest early in the morning. I fed him raw chicken mixed with some Fancy Feast beef. We bought 2 more cans of Fancy Feast yesterday at a local supermarket. Our plan was to go to Banff National Park today. It’s […]

31 Jul

I found Nemo sleeping on the passenger’s seat again this morning. He seemed to find the driver/passenger area a good place to hang out at night. I’ve seen him jump onto the dashboard quite a few times. I even saw him fall when he tried to jump on once. That’s our chubby, clumpy Nemo. I […]