06 Mar


I’m still trying to break Susie. It’s been going on for almost a week now but neither of us is backing down. She makes me sit down before she gives me my bowl of yummy food. I have been accommodating but there is something seriously wrong here. We are both reasonable adults, different species maybe but both adults regardless. Now let’s rationalize this thing, shall we? It all comes down to the very basic question—WHY. WHY should I sit down? Let’s take a look at my ancestor “Bob”. He lived in the big, wild field of Africa. He slept all day and got up at night to hunt. He may, or may not, get a meal everyday but what did he do when he did catch a prey? He tore it apart like a real man cat and dug right in. Did you see him say to himself: “Now wait a minute, Bob, a gentleman should SIT DOWN and enjoy the meal in a proper manner. No elbow on the ground.” NO! His way of appreciating the food he worked his butt off was get right to it, the way the nature intended.

Now tell me again WHY I should sit down for my food? Huh? Huh? Huh?????

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