22 May

Breakfast: 85g Ultimate Blends raw rabbit for cats (80%), raw vegetable puree (20%), 1/4 tsp Call of the Wild
Morning play: None
Dinner: 85g Ultimate Blends raw rabbit for cats (80%), raw vegetable puree (20%), 1/4 tsp Call of the Wild
Antibiotic (Antirobe): one at 7:00am and two at 6:00pm
Pain-relief gel (Codeine): none
Evening play : None
Evening supplement: None
Bed-time play: None

Nemo started to resume his daily routine before the operation. He seriously head-bunted us in the morning, jumped onto the counter in the bathroom to check out the flowers outside the window, sat and meowed around the kitchen island while I prepared his food…etc. It was a beautiful day today so he stayed in the sun most of the day. He also seemed to walk around a little more.

The wrap around his neck was constantly being scratched loose. We had to re-wrap it many times today! He really didn’t aggree with it.
I made him a new mix of vegetables today containing: cauliflower, broccoli, celery, spinach, and carrot. I avoided carrot in the past because it’s “below-ground” vegetable. It hardens stools. Since Nemo has been pooping OK I thought I should add some to give him a more balanced meal.

He didn’t finish his food today. I had to hand-feed him to get him to finish.

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