26 Apr

Breakfast: 100% Basic Instinct raw venison for cats, 5 drops DMG
Morning play: 14 minutes. Red/hot pink feather on a stick. Red octopus.
Dinner: 100% Natural Instinct raw rabbit for cats, 5 drops DMG
Evening play : 17 minutes. Red/hot pink feather on a stick. Red octopus. The Bonker Box
Evening supplement: Feline Immune System Support, 2 drops DMG
Bed-time play: 20 minutes. Red/hot pink feather on a stick. Red octopus.

This morning Mike found 2 piles of Nemo’s vomit in the dining room. Looks like it’s been there for at least a day. No wonder he was so hungry last night! It’s amazing how much slimmer a cat can look without food for a meal or two. We don’t know what caused him to vomit but we decided to cross buffalo off the safe list. Venison is in question, too. He’s had venison many times without problem before but we decide to suspend it indefinitely. Now the safe list is down to rabbit only. It seems that Nemo has more problems with red meats than white meats. We might have to have him try turkey as a last resort.

It’s kind of hard to imagine that piles of spew on the floor can go unnoticed for so long. It goes to show how “frequently” we clean our house….Mike and I decided that, even if we don’t clean the house every day, we have to at least check for spew thoroughly everyday when we come home.

Many sources suggest that cats go through a period of detoxication after they are on raw. One book even says that it takes up to 6 months for their stomachs to settle down and get used to such nutrient-packed food. I hope this is the case with Nemo. The benefits of eating raw is evident—his coat has become soft and shiny, eyes bright and clear, pot belly gone, and muscle tones showing. There’s no doubt that raw food has helped him in these aspects. I only hope that it’s not too much for his immune system, and we are indeed on the right track to keeping FIV dormant so Nemo can enjoy a healthy, happy, and hopefully, long life.

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