25 Apr

Breakfast: 80% Basic Instinct raw venison for cats, 20% Basic Instinct raw buffalo for cats, 5 drops DMG
Morning play: 15 minutes. Red/hot pink feather on a stick. Red octopus.
Dinner: 80% Basic Instinct raw rabbit for cats, 20% Basic Instinct Raw Buffalo for cats, 5 drops DMG
Evening play : 16 minutes. Red/hot pink feather on a stick. Red octopus.
Evening supplement: Feline Immune System Support, 2 drops DMG
Bed-time play: 13 minutes. Red/hot pink feather on a stick. Red octopus.

Nemo looks very slim to me these days. He’s always had a chubby face and broad shoulders but his pot belly is practically non-existing these couple of days. He looks like one of those skinny model cats in magazines from the top. I can just tell by the way he looks that he’s probably less than 14lbs again. Tonight he was so hungry that when I picked up his plate he stood up and did a little dance with his hind legs, crying like I hadn’t fed him for days! I wonder if I’m feeding him too little.

He sneezed again today. I hope it’s nothing serious.

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