22 Apr

Good retirement home

Ahh….sunshine all day today. This is what I call a good retirement life. I get a sunny suite in 3 different parts of the house, each one with a different view. This one in the picture is what I call the Purra Bora suite. As you can see, myBora Bora Purra Purra suite bed is happily situated in front of a deck with plants and a view of our neighbor’s yard. This is usually where I receive my friends Jumpy and Prickly, whom I’m pretty upset with at the moment. They haven’t visited me for a couple of days now. Back to my suite. Next to my bed is the sharpening station. Even though I’m no longer hunting for real, I still remember to sharpen my tools every time I wake up. A good mannered gentleman cat should always keep himself nice and sharp.

I get fed twice a day, sometimes snacks in between meals. It’s always too little food but enough to keep me from starving. I think I can pretty much say that I’ve landed myself a good retirement home with decent care-takers.

One Response to “Good retirement home”

  1. Diva Kitty Says:

    Nice sun spot!

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