11 Apr

Raw food feeding = wild animal?

Happy St. PatricksSome people wonder if feeding pets raw would turn them into wild animals. The answer is no. They can not associate the raw beef in their bowls with the grass-munching cows they see in the farms. Problem is, I can. This raw diet for Nemo is turning me into an dangerous animal. Seeing that Nemo is so interested in fishing the red feather out of his water bowl, I started thinking real feeder fish. This morning I saw a wild rabbit on the side of the street, sitting there peacefully looking all fluffy and cute. I thought: “That makes great meals for Nemo. Prepared raw rabbit cat food is SOOOO expensive!”

It’s good that I have vivid imagination. I’m already picturing TV news reporting the headline “Wild animal killer at large in the Greater Vancouver Area”. The picture quickly turns into me being surrounded by journalists and reporters–“Nemo’s owner, over here! Please! Why did you kill those innocent animals?”, “How long have you been killing wild-life?”, “Do you have a violent history?”, “Were you abused when you were a child?”, “Rumor has it that you perform some kind of ritual before sacrificing the catch. Is Nemo the leader of the cult? Did he make you kill those innocent animals?”

Who knows what kind of questions they’ll come up with?! I better not go down that route.

One Response to “Raw food feeding = wild animal?”

  1. Muddy & Terry Says:

    We had wild rabbits in our yard — just in time to enjoy the backyard garden, I think. lol

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