10 Apr

Addicted to vet?

This morning Nemo took off to go to his litter box during morning play session. I followed him downstairs and saw him go in and out the box at least twice. He did urinate but he kept going back into the box. The third time he went in he made those forcing sounds that we humans make when we have constipation. That’s when we decided to call Dr.Liz and send him in. I wasn’t worried about him being constipated because I know the best solution—cow milk. The thing I worried about was urinary tract infection. He didn’t cry when he peed but you never know. He has been acting funny around the litter box lately.

Nemo guarding the houseDr. Liz did a physical examination on Nemo and said that his bladder was definitely uncomfortable for him. The X-ray didn’t show any abnormality. The first few inches of his urinary tract were free of infection, too. Now we just need to wait for the urine test to see if it is indeed urinary tract infection.

I brought in some urine and stool sample but the urine sample they couldn’t use. Dr.Liz kept the stool sample. Maybe they will do some testing on that, too.

The picture was taken from outside the house, after I dropped Nemo home from the vet and left for work. He is a good “guarding cat”.

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