06 Apr

@%#!!! %@#%!!!!!!

Nemo is VERY upset at the moment. Let me translate what he is saying:

Nemo being mad 1“What the @#@% is wrong with that stupid human woman?! It’s #$%@#$@ unbelievable! Guess what she #$%@#$@ did??? That Stupid human Susie pulled a whole chunk of hair out of my #$%@#$@ leg tonight!!!! It hurt like hell! *hissing hissing* I’m upset with myself, too. I forgave her right away when she #$%@#$@ apologized. What was wrong with me?! I head-bunt her and Mike and purred. Yes! I #$%@#$@ purred! But when I was bunting Mike’s ear all of a sudden I had a #$%@#$@ flash back of what happened just now. I bit Mike for revenge! StareI wanted to see blood but I just couldn’t #$%@#$@ bring myself to do that. You caused me pain? I’m gonna give you even more #$%@#$@ pain. Fair game! I didn’t give a #%@$ it wasn’t Mike who hurt me. Human is human! *hissing* #$%@#$@ #%@$ it hurt!

Maybe I should explain what happened. Mike and I were in the computer room, working on Nemo’s web site. Nemo walked in and hung around the foot of my chair (the type with rollers on the bottom). I thought Nemo wasn’t that close so I turned around and moved the chair. I heard a loud cry from Nemo. Apparently I accidentally ran over him! He looked at me, really mad. I panicked because I didn’t know how badly I hurt him. He seemed to be OK after the initial shock and he didn’t leave. Mike and I found a chunk of Nemo’s hair under my chair. We figured that I must have pulled some hair out of him, but where?! I kept apologizing to him, petting his head. Apparently Nemo wasn’t upset with me because he jumped onto the desk for some head bunting. He was even purring. But all of a sudden something triggered him and he bit Mike’s ear! He didn’t break the skin but it was definitely a more meaningful bite than his usual warning nibbles. When he lay down we saw that he was missing some hair on his left hinge leg. He was a little sore on that spot but we didn’t see any opening. It was just some hair got pulled out. We are still puzzled why he bit Mike for no apparent reason at all.

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