25 May

Breakfast: 60g Ultimate Blends raw rabbit for cats (80%), raw vegetable puree (20%), 1/4 tsp Call of the Wild
Morning play: 5 minutes, The Bonker Box, peacock feather
Dinner: 60g Ultimate Blends raw rabbit for cats (80%), raw vegetable puree (20%),
Antibiotic: one at 7:00am and two at 6:00pm
Pain-relief gel: None
Evening play : 10 minutes, The Bonker Box, peacock feather
Evening supplement: None
Bed-time play: None

Nemo managed to completely pulled off the white wrap, leaving only the green self-adhesive tape. We decided to leave it like this since the green wrap didn’t seem to bother him as much as the white one.

Nemo still didn’t poop today. I gave him some cat milk on his plate. Hope it’ll make him poop before tomorrow.

We played with him a little again today using peacock feather and The Bonker Box. He went absolutely crazy over the feather. In the past he would just swat it with his paws but today he jumped and ran around the thing. He must have been so bored the past week.

I know that Chinese medicine discusses a lot about detoxification so I asked a friend, whose husband is a Chinese medicine doctor/acupuncturist, about the cysts on Nemo’s neck. He said that he wasn’t specialized in cats but judging from his knowledge in humans, it sounded like the cellular structure of Nemo’s skin was changing. Apparently human forms of detoxification include vomiting or diarrhea. Cysts is not one of them. I don’t like the sound of this at all. I think I’d rather have them removed than leaving them in. We will see how it goes in the next few weeks/months.

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