17 May

Breakfast: 85g Pureed Ultimate Blends raw rabbit for cats (80%), raw vegetable puree (20%), 1/2 tsp Call of the Wild
Morning play: None
First dinner: 65g Pureed Ultimate Blends raw rabbit for cats (80%) and raw vegetable puree (20%), 1/2 tsp Call of the Wild (Didn’t finish)
Second dinner: 15g Ultimate Blends raw rabbit for cats (80%) and raw vegetable puree (20%)
Late night snack: 15g Pureed Ultimate Blends raw rabbit for cats (80%) and raw vegetable puree (20%)
Antibiotic: one at 7:00am and two at 6:00pm
Pain-relief gel: 8:00am, 6:00pm, and 12:00 am
Evening play : None
Evening supplement: None
Bed-time play: None

We got up at 6 am again today to check whether Nemo’s still gagging. He seemed to be OK in the 15 minutes we watched him. He was still snorting a little bit from time to time but no gagging anymore. We decided to keep him home today, but confined in the entertainment room. I fed him his breakfast at around 7. He was hungry but he left about 15% of his food in the plate. I had to hand feed him to get him to eat more.

We got home from work at around 6 pm. It’s the first time in a long time that Nemo wasn’t waiting by the door. It’s a sad sight without him. He must have been either very tired or in pain. He wasn’t waiting by the door to the entertainment room, either. He only got up to stretch when we petted him. He went to pee after the greeting.

For dinner I prepared the same food for him, leaving about 15% behind. I figured that since I mix the antibiotic in his food, I better make sure that he finished all the food. Surprisingly Nemo didn’t like the food at all! He sniffed it and paused, like he was thinking whether to dig in. He did start eating but this time he left even more than he did in the morning. I had to follow him around with the plate and put food on my palm to entice him. Eventually I gave up. I thought it could be either the puree texture he didn’t like or the smell of the Wysong Call of the Wild. I went to prepare more food for him (with some antibiotic added), only this time no puree and Call of the Wild. Nemo gobbled it down right away. I gave him a little more food later at night.

It seemed to us that Nemo was in pain constantly. He was crouching most of the time. Only when he sleeped on the cushion or curled up on the couch that he seemed comfortable.

The white stuff on the cushion you see in the picture is dried up pain-relief gel we put in his ear. First I thought it was his droll until I saw a perfect triangle shape that resembled his ear.

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