20 Apr

Breakfast: 100% Natural Instinct raw rabbit for cats, 5 drops DMG

Morning play: 15 minutes. Red/hot pink feather on a stick. Red octopus.

Dinner: 100% Natural Instinct raw rabbit for cats, 5 drops DMG

Evening play : 10 minutes. Red/hot pink feather on a stick.

Evening supplement: Feline Immune System Support, 2 drops DMG

Bed-time play: 12 minutes. Red/hot pink feather on a stick.

Natural Instinct chubby tube

We were out of rabbit so we went to True Carnivores to get more food for Nemo. Natural Instinct now comes with this “Chubby Tube” packaging. It’s double the amount of the regular size. The price is better because it saves the cost of the plastic container. We think it’s a great idea. This is almost vacuum packed anyway. When you buy a lot of these frozen foods the containers start to pile up and they usually go to waste. We bought 2 of the regular packaging (because we still need a few more containers) and 2 chubby tubes today.

Before we walked out the door we found out that they made a mistake with our bill–they charged too little! The lady thought these were 250g instead of 500g so she only charged half the price. We told them about it and they were quite impressed with our honesty. The lady said: “You know what? I own the store so don’t worry about it.” She thanked us for our honesty and we thanked her for her generosity. This is what you get from shopping at a small, neighbourhood store.

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