09 Apr

Nemo curled up on the couchBreakfast: 100% Basic Instinct raw venison for cats, 5 drops DMG

Morning play: 10 minutes. Red octopus. Red/hot pink feather on a stick, Water bowl.

Dinner: 20% Basic Instinct raw ostrich for cats, 65% Basic Instinct raw venison for cats, 10% pureed carrot and zucchini, 5 drops DMG

Evening play: 5 minutes. Red octopus.

Evening supplement: Feline Immune System Support, 2 drops DMG

Bed-time play: 20 minutes. Red/hot pink on a stick, water bowl.

The new book I’m reading suggests that cats should eat raw vegetables in the pureed form. The amount of vegetable intake should be less than 20% of their food. I thought it was technically impossible. How can you puree such a small amount of vegetables in any food processor/blender? I don’t assume that you can puree a whole bunch and keep it in the fridge. Tonight I finally figured out a way—the nutmeg grater! It’s perfect for carrots, zucchinis, potatoes, asparagus, or any vegetable with a thick stem, squash, or root vegetables. I imagine ginger graters will work just as fine.

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