02 Apr

Sleepy on the dining chairBreakfast: 50% Basic Instinct raw rabbit for cats, 50% Basic Instinct raw venison for cats, 5 drops DMG

Morning play: 17minutes. Artificial fly on fishing rod, Pink square cushion

Dinner: 45% Basic Instinct raw rabbit for cats, 55% Basic Instinct raw venison for cats, 5 drops DMG

Evening play: 12 minutes. Artificial fly on fishing rod.

Evening supplement: Feline Immune System Support, 2 drops DMGNemo sleeping on the dining chair

Bed-time play: 10 minutes. Artificial fly on fishing rod, Red octopus.

It was a pretty relaxed day for Nemo and us. I spent most of the day adding to Susie’s Corner and Nemo spent most of the day sleeping in the sun, on a dining chair we set up for him in front of the window.

Nemo through dining chair

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