28 Feb

food is food, vomit the vomit

I puked yesterday, for the first time at Mike and Susie’s. Too bad Mike and Susie missed the show. I was hoping to see Susie go ballistic seeing the whole dinner coming out of my mouth. But at the most important moment she was no where to be found so I just puked at the most visible place I could find.

As the night went on I got hungrier and hungrier so I started meowing for food. My quest for food lasted the whole night without any result so I went for the last resort—my dinner, well, the undigested portion of my dinner to be exact. Hey, food is food is food, right? Survival rule number 1—do NOT, I repeat, do NOT refuse any chance to chuck down anything remotely resemble food when you are hungry. You never know when the next meal will be and where it’s coming from. Wait a minute, in this case, I guess the next meal could come from my own stomach! That’s what I called

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