27 Feb

SeriousnessWe noticed that Nemo seemed to have an itch in his right ear again after he came home. He scratched it a few times tonight and his right ear appeared folded down a little, too, just like last time he came back from the first visit to Dr. Peter Dobias. Last time we thought it was the reaction to the remedy, that he’s body was trying to cleanse itself. But he’s itchy again and we haven’t given him the new remedy yet. We suspect it would be the stress from being among dogs in the waiting room but we will bring it up with Dr. Peter Dobias next time we see him.

He refused to come to bed to get his supplement pills tonight, which was quite odd. Normally he’d come over as soon as he heard the bottles. I left the two pills next to my pillow in case he came over during the night. He didn’t come to bed all night.

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