15 Mar

can’t teach an old cat new treats, I mean, tricks?

OK, here’s the deal:

Have you sat down in front of your human? I bet you have. Why not earn a few treats while doing that? Just put your pride aside and sit down when they say the word. He/she is happy, you are happy.

Have you lay down in front of your human? Who hasn’t? Again, food comes WAY before pride. Just do what you naturally do when they ask you to. He/she is happy, you are happier.

Have you jumped down from some forbidden places in front of your humans without them yelling like a lunatic? There’s a chance for you to stop that mad behavior of theirs and, again, earn some treats while doing that. He/she is happy, you are the happiest.

Have you followed your human around, meowing, trying to get a treat out of them? —-If so, there’s a reason for you to pretend to “walk with them”. You get a treat every few steps or so. He/she is happy, you are….well…a dog. But who cares! You get treats!

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